Creative ideas for those moments when all of your normal soothing strategies just aren't working.

Evening Fussiness
Babies are taking in so much stimuli during the day, that they are often overwhelmed as the evening comes and your energy is starting to dwindle
Plan to have nothing else that needs to happen during the "fussy evening time"
Remind yourself that your baby came from a place of low light, less noise, and fewer tactile opportunities...this is normal development
Caretakers may feel more exhausted at night, causing tension in their bodies that babies can pick up on...what can you do to feel more relaxed?
Accepting that this fussiness is developmentally appropriate and will pass-- can help your body release tension
Start a discussion with your support circle to create more outside support for evenings
Who can come to help in the evening?
If others are helping during these fussy moments, find a place where you can't hear any crying or consider listening to music with noise canceling headphones
Is there an option to hire help for the 'witching hour'?
Contact a postpartum doula or infant support specialist
Create realistic expectations for evenings
What can be accomplished earlier in the day
pick one thing that you need to do each day and tackle it early
maybe start dinner prep at 9am...eating is definitely a need :)
Mix It Up
Tag teaming with a partner can be for shorter time preserve sanity
3 minutes of baby dancing...then switch
15 minute walks (with baby) if weather is good
20 minute routine...repeat as necessary
bounce on stability ball with baby
bathe baby (sponge or immersive)
gentle baby soothing touch (infant massage)
dimly lit singing & rocking time
30 minute drive (no one else can hear baby while in your car
Try this Mindful Movement session for a few baby soothing tips!