Connection is the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued. - Brené Brown

Connection is one of the main elements that our Doulas seek to provide.
In fact, it turns out that the quality of the relationship between a caregiver & client is one of four factors associated with positive birth outcomes (along with personal expectations, amount of support from caregivers, and involvement in decision making). These four factors appear to actually override the influence of medical interventions, the physical birth environment, pain, and immobility.
At DC Birth Doulas we strive to help you feel seen, heard and valued.
What can you do to help facilitate connection
during your birth story?
Stay much as you would like to
Often, our minds go directly to a possible worst case scenario, it seems only fair (and a really good idea) to spend some time considering the best case scenario and also the most likely scenario.
Ask Questions
An open discussion of your questions often helps to create an atmosphere of collaboration...which leads to your own feelings of empowerment
Recognize and acknowledge what an amazing job you and your baby are doing
Give yourself permission to congratulate yourself for each step
resting when tired (Way to Go)
staying hydrated (Amazing)
receiving encouragement when offered (Yes, I CAN do this)
taking the process one step at a time (Breathe in, Breathe out)
changing your mind in response to new information (You Got This)
evaluating how you feel & acknowledging what is physically wise (You Are a Body Worth Caring For)
What we hear from clients about how they felt connected and supported by DCBD
My partner always felt included and just as much as part of the experience as I did
Having a life-line sanity check outside of our OB practice was really nice
Our Doula helped us sort through how to determine when to arrive at the hospital during a time filled with uncertainty and intensity
It felt like our Doula was part of our family while still being a neutral party of clarity and reassurance for the full 14 hours she was with us
Our Doula was extremely informative and helpful with all questions and always provided context for options so that we could make small and large decisions
Since the moment our Doula messaged us prior to my induction of labor, she made me feel extremely safe, supported and cared for
Our Doula offered information about what I was experiencing and what I could expect next, and offered input when I was given multiple options by the care team
My Doula worked right alongside my nurse to help me try different positions to help dilation and later on, for pushing
My birth story was a very positive one thanks to my in-person Doula and the preparation I received from the whole Doula team prior to the birth
Each birth story is unique
We know that what works for one family, is not necessarily what will help create connection with another family.
The birth prenatal conversation is a fantastic time for you to let your Doula really get to know you...and start to get a flavor for the DCBD Birth Team.
Each Doula takes a turn to read and answer emails, phone calls, texts and will record all your pertinent updates in our secure client management system.
As you near your due date, you may find that you have spoken to and emailed with each member of the team...and feel comfortable about whoever is at your birth.
There will be multiple opportunities for connection with your Birth Doula team...and we hope you will allow yourself to be seen, heard and valued as you interact with DC Birth Doulas in a variety of ways.