Once a month we hold *Support Partner Workshops. This is an opportunity for non-gestational partners to problem solve, fine tune their strategies, and hear words from others in a similar situation. Support people matter & DCBD wants to support YOU! We want to share nuggets of wisdom from these workshops with the entire DC Birth Doulas community.
What are your postpartum skills? Where are you seeing growth in your postpartum superpowers?
baby soothing, burping
all things diaper related
keeping all non-baby living things alive (pets, plants)
adult naps (when baby naps)
Where would you like to create opportunities for growth as an infant caretaker?
figure out how to better share the baby care load
enjoy the present moment instead of worrying about when parental leave ends
release my guilt at not being able to do more while I have time off
take a shower while on baby duty (it feels as if there is no time for self-care)
thoughtfully try to understand why I'm worried that if I'm not there (with new baby) something might happen
I might miss something
there may be a red flag that needs an immediate response (newborns are changing so quickly)
Where am I finding moments for gratitude...and is it helpful?
I'm glad for opportunities taken pre-baby that prepped me for taking care of a newborn
I'm happy for reminders from peers & partner that I don't have to do things perfectly- to be a good parent/caretaker
It really helps to have constant clear communication with partner
re-setting daily expectation (getting to a point where keeping baby alive is a job well done)
taking 1 day at a time
How is Postpartum a little different than you expected ....?
babies are not as fragile as I had thought
what do I do when not constantly thinking about work, but unable to really go places...
how do I handle the feeling that life is on hold
constant hyper-vigilance and staying inside are mentally exhausting
even a small outing outside with a newborn feels like a big WIN
*Support Partner Workshops are held monthly, virtual, live on Zoom 7:15pm-8:15pm
Pregnancy Workshops are the 3rd Tuesday
Postpartum Workshops are the 4th Tuesday